Great food lives here.

Foodland supports the Riverland Community

The past few weeks have been and continue to be challenging for many communities directly affected by the River Murray floods.

As communities in Waikerie, Renmark, Loxton and Mannum were hit by the rising floodwaters, with restricted access to properties, healthcare services and amenities and the clean-up, Foodland supported displaced families and individuals with essential supplies over the past few weeks.

Foodland Supermarkets Chief Executive Officer Franklin dos Santos said this included an immediate $20,000 in Foodland vouchers to local communities.

On top of that, SES volunteers based in Renmark received from personal supplies such as body wash, toothpaste and toothbrushes, along with 10 pallets of Foodland Spring Water.

Another $7000 in vouchers was donated to businesses in Mannum.

Foodland shoppers donated $20,000 for the Vinnies Flood Appeal in stores around the State. This will continue to be distributed by the Vinnies SA to communities in need. More money was raised through the Foodland Vinnies SA Christmas Bauble Campaign.

Mr dos Santos said Foodland’s greatest assets are its people, its trusted suppliers and partners and the communities around its stores.

“Foodland has always been there for those in need through the good times and the bad. So, at times like this, it’s critical that we come together with our incredibly supportive partners and suppliers of Foodland to give back to those in need,” Mr dos Santos said.

“Our regional communities are such important members of our Foodland family. We’re in a fortunate position to be able to assist at a time of crisis and despair for many. We will do everything that we can to support as many people as possible”.

“This is for most of us a joyous and festive time of year and, after two years of COVID, mother nature throws another curve ball. We’re here to take a little weight off those affected in the only way that we know how… through the provision of products stocked across our stores.

“It’s also a time for us all as a community to get behind our fantastic volunteers. Without them, many of these communities would face prolonged hardship.”

We encourage you to shop local and support your local Riverland communities as they get back on their feet.

#foodland #supportlocal #community

📸: Grant Schwartzkopff