Using a paella pan (30cm) or frying pan, heat olive oil over a high heat. Add chorizo, cook to brown on both sides, remove and set aside. Keep oil and juices in the pan.
Gently sauté onion, garlic, capsicum in the pan for 2 -3 minutes, then add chicken and cook untill brown on all sides. The chicken will still be raw on the inside.
Add rice and mix until all grains are coated in oil. Then add ¾ of cooked chorizo, reserve ¼ for garnishing.
With the pan still on the heat, pour in the chicken stock, tomato and saffron threads, stir to combine.
Allow to simmer over low heat so that the rice doesn’t burn. Simmer for 10 minutes without stirring.
Scatter over peas, prawns and mussels, cook for a further 8 minutes. Turn prawns if required and cook till mussels have opened and most of the liquid has been absorbed.
Remove from heat, scatter with reserved chorizo and cover for 5 minutes to heat and absorb remaining liquid.
Garnish with parsley and lemon wedges, take to the table and serve immediately.